ThAtS Me

ThAtS Me

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Alor Setar, Kedah Darul Aman, Malaysia
SpOrTiNg.. sEnSiTiVe.. LiKe SpOrTS VeRY MuCh.. LoVe mUsIcS .. lOvInG pErsOn.. CaLl Me zAtTY oR HiJaW.. lOvE gReEn CoLoUr .. lovE iCe CrEaM n CaKE.. huHUHuu.. yOgUrT too..nyUm3x

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


hye.. kawan-kawan..hari nie sy nak citer cket... tntg sowng kawan saya nie.....
citer ni kisah cinta dia yg menyedihkan..   kisah ni berlaku kira2 hampir 8 tahun yg lalu.... si gadis saya namakan dia illa n.. si  jejaka nya saya namakan dia amin....  illa n amin nie ditakdirkan 1 kelas kat skull... masa tu form 4 laa.. dulu masing2 dari aliran lain.. dalam kelas 2 org ni .. xpernah pon cakap... buat xtaw ja... sampai la 1 hari ..masa 2 sy ingat lagi.. nak dekat cuti raya cina.bulan februari....sekolah kami digemparkan dgn berita menyedihkan.. amin.. pemain bola kebanggaan sekolah tlah jatuh sakit akibat leukimia... tiap hari kelas sunyi jaa.. masing2 bersedih atas nasib amin... illa ponn turut sedih walawpon dia xpernah cakap ngn amin masa dalm kelas.. tp ..seingat sy.. illa nie pon salah sowang budak sukan kat skul tu.. so dowunk berdua nie pernah gak tgur.. tu pon sb cg ja suwuh....hahahhaah... di sebabkan sakit.... berbulan2 amin dirawat di hospital pulau pinang... sampai laa bulan 9 .. tiba2 kami dikejutkan yg.. amin da sembuh dr sakit.. masing mngucapkan syukur..keajaiban terjadi.. tp.. amin xnak bersekolah lagi.. illa mendengarkan berita itu... dia jadi x seronok bila kawan xnak belajar lg.. sampai la 1 hari... 2,3 ari sebelum ramadhan.. illa menerima 1 miskol dr org yg x dikenali... illa anta msg tanya xda jawapan yg memuaskan hati illa.. hingga lah illa check num kat hp kawan dia.. betapa terkejut nya illa.... rupanya. tu number phone amin.. sejak hari tue hubungan amin dan illa bertambah rapat.. timbullah bibit2 chenta n sayang... amin sgt sygkan illa ... illa juga begitu.. tetapi illa x pernah mengaku yg dia sygkan amin..  bkn illa ego.. tp illa xnak jd cam cinta pertama dia.. perkatan syg tue terlalu murah untuk diucapkan.. jd illa hanya pendamkan chenta nya terhadap amin..  tp amin tahu illa sygkan dia.. amin sentiasa mnguji illa... amin habeskan duet dgn membeli beberapa number baru semata2 nak uji syg illa wujud x untuk aminn.. illa dgn ego nya... syg bukan mudah nak di ucapkan.. masa mula2 illa n amin nie nak rapat.. masa bulan puasa .. hahha.. amin salu ja ambil pesanan makanan dr illa... nak berbuka puasa tp xnak g bazar.. so amin ni bersusah payah laa.. jd pak cik delivery..  bila nak dekat raya ja.. amin ni tah la buang tebiat ataw apa.. asyik mintak izin nak datang umah beraya.. illa bkn xnk bg dtg.. tp rumah dia xpernah ada kawan laki yg pernah datang beraya.. nak dijadikan citer.. illa ni pon bg taw kat mak dia yg amin nak dtg.. hihihikkk.. mak illa ni izinkan ... nek heran gak illa.. amin bukan main gembira ag... sampai ja hari raya.. amin dtg ngn kawan2... peliknya.. amin smpai x sesat pon.. da la x pernah lg datg umah illa yg sememgnya jauh dari skul.. tu sebab la illa dok asrama.... bkn main lagi amin n kawan2 dia beraya.. habes ketupat.. lemang... rendang .. bihun.. suma dowunk balun sampai habes..  amin ni plak pandai dia amek hati mak ayah illa..
akan bersambung....

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LoVe u fOrEvER

LoVe u fOrEvER

nOtA UnTuK lAkI rAhsIa wAnItA

heart.a a piece of your peace of mind.
1. When sorang women say he is ill, but he did not shed any tears, it means that he is crying in their hearts.

2. If he does not bother you after you hurt her, you better give him time to calm down again before you accost her with the word sorry.

3. Women hard to find things I hate about him the most love him (because it broke the hearts of many women when the relationship is broken in the middle of the road).

4. If sorang sorang woman fall in love with the man, the man will always have in mind even when he is out with another man.

5. When the man she loves and love staring into his eyes sharp, he'll melt like chocolate!

6. Women love compliments, but do not know how often I receive compliments.

7. If you do not like the girl who loves you half to death, push her gently, not aggression, because there is a spirit inside of you women will not know if he already decided he will do anything.

8. If a girl started to shy away from you after you push her, let her to seketika.Sekiranya you still want to consider him a friend, try to gently scolds him.

9. Women love to express what they rasa.Muzik, poetry, painting and writing is the best way they express their hearts.

10. Do not tell my girls that they are not directly useful.

11. Being too serious can turn off the mood of women.

12. When the first man who cherished the silence gave positive responses, such as contact by telephone, she would be indifferent as if no interest, but as soon as ganggang placed, he would scream and prefer not to ten minutes, all his friends will know the news.

13. Sekuntum smiles to a thousand means of wanita.Jadi do not smile anything.

14. If you like sorang women, try to start with friendship. Then let him recognize the depth.

15. If sorang thousand women give a reason each time you call out, leave him because he was not interested in you.

16. But if at the same time he contact you or wait for a call from you, keep your arm to memikatnya.

17. Do not ever predict what feels. Ask him yourself!

18. After sorang girl fall in love, he will often wondered kenapalah I do not see this man earlier.

19. If you are looking the most romantic way to win hearts sorang girl, try hard-rajinkan hand menyelak love books.

20. If every time a class file out, the first thing that is sought after by women who were standing next to her, then himself.

21. Former boyfriend will stand in his mind, but now men love to be in that particular place in his heart!

22. A greeting 'Hi' just enough cheer to the day.

23. People who know him only what he is feeling and going.

24. Most women hate men who befriend them just want to tackle their most beautiful friends.

25. Love means devotion, care, honesty and happiness without any compromise.

26. All women want a man who loves them sorang wholeheartedly ..

27. Weapons of women are tears!

28. Women like the occasional person who loves make surprise buatnya (gifts, flowers or just a romantic greeting card). They will feel overwhelmed and feel that he sincerely loved this hati.Dengan he will not doubt you.

29. Women easily fall in love for the man who took good care of them and against them. So, if you want to win the women's good-pandailah. ..

30. Actually simple romance because what he wants to feel loved and be loved is a full life
tell her if you choose her to be your princess of your heart. peace ~!


Once upon a time
Ada sebuah bintang
Yang bersinar terang di hatimu
Ku akan datang lagi
Menjemputmu dengan cinta
Dan ku bagikan semua bintang ku

Ku miliki bintang
Bukan bintang biasa
Ku bisa hapuskan semua duka mu
Ku tak akan menghilang
Slalu ada di hatimu
Memberi bintang hanya untuk cinta

Dan yang terbaik selamanya bersama
Akan ku bagikan bintangku demi cintamu
And when you keep on believing
Thousand ones can be seen by running
The miracles can do things though can’t do